Not Enough Time ? Too much to revise? Get a plan

With GCSE O level and GCE A level exams only 2 months away, your teenager is rightly concerned about how to best use the remaining time for exam success. How do we know what we are good at, what we need to be good at, which topic to revise first, which second and son on?

We help students plan the best use of their revision time, build confidence and daily momentum for revision.

The Fluent in Maths Independent Assessment and Personal Study List

Who is this for? For (final year) students taking GCE O Level or A level or A/S level Mathematics in Summer 2023.

Students: How do you work with us ?

  1. You will need to take a series of tests that we have set up. The tests are of increasing difficulty and across the different areas that will be examined such as algebra, calculus, trigonometry. Some of these are instantly available and graded online.

  2. Once you have completed the foundation tests, for more advanced tests we will email you the tests, you will complete them and we will grade the responses.

  3. You will have 1-2 - meetings (in-person or online) totalling 30 minutes, for us to provide detailed feedback on strengths and weaknesses in exam topics. Why 1-2 meetings? If your test results in foundation topics are not great, you can agree to go and spend some weeks studying before retaking the foundation and going on to the more complex tests. In that case, you will meet 2x instead of once.

  4. We will provide you with a written outline of which areas need to be worked on more and in what order (aka a study check list). This can be a basis for a revision plan and time allocation.

  5. If you find you are very weak in a particular essential topic - for example, quadratic equations - then you can take lessons on those.

The Benefits This helps plan revision time as exams draw closer.It identifies which areas need the most focus, ensuring that no important topics are being neglected in revision. It helps you decide if you want tutoring in any topics.

What does it cost? We charge £45 for our independent assessments, coach feedback and study check list described above.

Our 3-step plan for exam success.

  1. Get an assessment and revision plan

  2. If you need it, intensive revision in small groups to ensure strong foundations

  3. Additional lessons where needed (one to one or small groups) based on your budget and the recommendations of your coach. These will help with remedial coaching or additional exam papers/topics.

Availability is limited on our independent assessments because our tutors are busy. As an alternative, you can  join our study club for free - it contains free practice tests.assessments of foundation skills.
